Communication is the single most important skill for success.

Graphic of a yellow note, pinned with a red push-pin, and with a GIANT pencil; the note reads "Measure your skill!"
Without great – or at least good – communication, none of the other skills necessary for career success can come to fruition. Strategic thinking, tactical planning, management, customer relations – anything you can think of as a quality or skill of a good manager, supervisor, and leader ultimately requires them to be good communicators as well.

This brief assessment touches on some of the most important components of great communication within organizations.

For each of the nine questions, choose the answer that most closely represents the action, thought, or decision you’d normally make in each situation.  There may be questions where you’ll wish you could select more than one answer; choose the one most closely aligned with your personal way of doing things.

Alert! Change ahead!

1.  When telling employees about a significant upcoming change (strategic direction, a big new project or client acquisition, a reorganization, a major milestone, changes in senior leadership, etc.), it’s best to:


Giving positive feedback

2.  To give positive feedback, you:


Giving corrective feedback

3.  To give corrective feedback on a serious issue (a poor decision or a significant mistake – we’re talking more than typos in an email here!), you:


Goals, outcomes, and vision.

4.  Your department is in the middle of a big, exciting change initiative, and one of your team asks about the long-term goals and expectations. You:


Getting along ... or not!

5.  You’re frustrated by a disconnect with a colleague – it seems like you’re constantly at odds with each other. In trying to resolve it, you:


You want what? Let's negotiate!

6.  To be effective in a negotiation, you:


Emotions in the workplace

7.  When an employee gets emotional (upset, angry, etc.), you generally:


Decision-making process

8.  When you need to make a significant decision – or when you’re coaching an employee through the process – you typically:


How does it work

9.  The relationship between communication, strategy, and culture is: