A simple preventive for employee turnover

Photo of a cup of coffee with "THANK YOU" written in the foamWant to prevent employee turnover? Keep your best employees engaged? Avoid the really high cost of hiring replacements?

Say “Thank you.”

According to Eric Mosley of WorkHuman, as heard in an interview on Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead podcast, just five thank-yous  in a year reduces the likelihood of turnover by a bit more than half, from 15% to 7%.

And in this time of pandemic burnout, saying “thank you” is even more important.

Employees are struggling. People are struggling. Even as the vaccine rolls out and we begin to gradually, tentatively put a toe back in the water of “normal” life, people are burned out and anxious.

Some companies have reported greater, or at least comparable, productivity and trust.

Some, including one of my clients, are reporting real performance challenges with employees who are depressed, unfocused, and – bluntly – screwing up.

All employees deserve a “thank you” for the things they’re doing well, or when they’re simply maintaining pre-pandemic acceptable performance.

Thank you - it's a simple preventive for employee turnover. It matters. Especially now in pandemic-burnout time. Who will you thank today?Click To Tweet

I’ve heard true stories of a CEO’s handwritten thank-you notes kept for years.

I’ve personally experienced the warmth that comes from a sincere thank-you for work I’ve done.

I’ve seen the smile on someone’s face when I’ve thanked them for their work.

It’s not hard. And it makes a difference.

Who will you thank today?

How to do it? Read this: For what?.