So, why should you pay attention to me?

I could give you the usual sort of backstory about how I spent twentysomething years working in tech and finance companies, sixteen of them in leadership. I experienced it all – technology change, culture change, corporate mergers, and more.

All true. But, well, yawn.

Because there are a gazillion consultants out there who say pretty much the same thing. Not very inspiring, eh?

So – why me, and why change leadership?

I believe that change leadership – understanding the realities of how resistance to change really works, understanding the people side of change – is a real and significant competitive advantage. In fact, I believe it’s a requirement for sustainable success in today’s world of constant upheaval.

I believe that change leadership is key to healthy organizations with strong, supportive cultures.

I believe that change leadership is the antidote to change fatigue and burnout.

I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. I’ve seen the best-planned changes falter because no one understood or attended to the ways the change impacted the people involved. I’ve studied change, change models, and a host of related (and apparently unrelated!) topics to develop my approach – and it works.

Companies typically excel at strategic planning, task management, and resource allocation. But  it takes a different skillset to address resistance and the people issues that arise.

Grace peeking through the gap in a very large geode slice.That’s where I can help.

And I do it with a sense of humor. Because if you can’t have fun, if you can’t be a little silly sometimes, what’s the point? Leadership is serious stuff, and a little playfulness goes a long way to build trust, enhance learning, and just make everything more pleasant.

Want to learn more? Click here and we’ll talk. Or click here to read about training options, or here to read about consulting services..

I work with small and medium-sized companies…

…whose eaders want to do change better. And I work with individuals who want to learn the skills of change leadership.

Education, training, certifications, memberships, affiliations …

For more on my professional background, please see my LinkedIn profile.

  • 25 years in the corporate world, including:
    • Director and senior-staff executive at EMC Document Sciences; led the Professional Services and Knowledge Management departments, marketing, selling, and managing six- and seven-figure client projects
    • Director and corporate officer at Munich Re America
    • External Knowledge Management consultant for Hewlett-Packard, coordinating global KM process initiatives
  • Graduate of the SCPI mediation program from the Center for Understanding in Conflict, New York and California
  • Foundations of Communities of Practice Graduate Seminar, CPSquare
  • Certified Print® Coach
  • Coaching Mastery™ Program, Coachville
  • Fully-certified Realization Process teacher (meditation, subtle self-work, and embodiment)
  • BA with Honors, Writing (Ancient History minor), Bard College, New York
  • Association for Talent Development, San Diego: past Board member; past Chapter President
  • Past Instructor, University of Arkansas Global Campus, Rogers, Arkansas
  • Past Instructor, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Extension, Career & Life Stages Seminars; Mira Costa Community College Outreach Program
  • Author of The Five Deadly Shoulds of Office Politics (available on Amazon)

Odd facts about me

  • 2002 Fastest Knitter in America; appeared on Good Morning America to compete for the World Title. (yes, really!) Lost by three stitches in three minutes. Sigh.
  • Certified (certifiable?) cat person who once (unintentionally) had ten cats (yes, it was very furry).
  • Clan Leslie Society International: lineal (direct descent) member.
  • Someone who routinely saves earthworms off rainy pavements. Turns out the best tool for picking up the squirmy, slimy little things is a golf tee. Who knew?